Jenna and I are so excited to be back in the blogging and TPTing circuit! So much has changed since the last time we have posted on here, on IG, Facebook or even TPT! We would like to take a second to RE-introduce ourselves, and to re-launch our blog! We have both had so many changes and exciting things happen in the past year and a half, that we can't wait to share with you all!
- One of the biggest changes to our careers has been that we no longer are working the same school (or district for that matter!). Jenna is now working in a district closer to home (see her personal excerpt for more information). Of course, we are still teacher BFFs, which is why are continuing our teaching journey together!
Our last blog post was January of 2016, and so much is different now! My sweet daughter is now 3 1/2, and we have our second girl on the way! Our second girl is due in Nov. 2017. We are so excited to expand our little family! I am still in third grade, and just finished my 6th year (wow!!).Besides my ever-growing family, not a lot has changed, besides being busy with chasing a toddler, and being pregnant! So any advice from mommas of more than one (including a busy toddler) is VERY much welcomed!!
Hi everyone! So much has changed since the last time we posted! I have been pretty busy figuring out how to juggle being a teacher and a mommy. I now have a 13 month old baby girl named Abigail! She was born last May and is my whole world! In addition to this, I have also left my teaching BFF/other half of 2 Teachers 1 Goal and moved to a school in the town where I have lived my whole life. It was quite a change, and I sure do miss Samantha, but it was a great move for me! I love being so close to home and to Abigail! I am fortunate enough to still be teaching third grade, which is where my heart is. I am so glad to be back in the blogging and TpT world!
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to visit our blog! Click here for a freebie from us to start your school year off!

Monday, July 31, 2017
Friday, January 1, 2016
Five for Friday - Happy New Year!
Woohoo! Happy New Year!!
We are so thankful to have come across Kayse's YouTube videos about TPT. We were reading through the TPT Forum (Yup! Remember when we mentioned that the forum is important?!) and saw a post by Kayse about her videos. Check out her video about starting out on TPT below - We literally couldn't stop watching her videos! They are SO helpful! Thank you Kayse!!! Please continue making those videos! We are SO grateful!
Okay....hate to be cliche here (since it's the new year), but I've been researching different work out plans that would work best for me...and my bank account. I came across this plan for relatively cheap on Amazon. I know "you get what you pay for", but the reviews were pretty good. Also, I can complete these work outs at a mom to a toddler I need something I can do at home! Anyone else try this set?
All the beach body DVDs are amazing...I know...but are SO expensive. I would love to hear from anyone else that tried this!
Check out their website here!
So...I'm going to be totally lame here and admit that I have been obsessed with listening to *NSYNC Radio on Pandora over break! Please tell me I am NOT the only one going back to my pre-teen years by listening to *NSYNC almost daily (haha!). I am holding out on my dream of there being a reunion tour -- ahhhh! At least they have been helping me through planning, TPTing (is that a word?!), and blogging! :)
I have thoroughly enjoyed is it honestly almost over?!
I was just looking at my calendar today...searching for our next break!
New Year's Resolutions....
Here are a few I am revisiting this year:
1) Choose joy and peace over unhappiness and anxiety
- this seems like a no brainer, but is a lot easier said than done!
2) Stay more organized!
- ahh....again...much easier said than done! I don't even know where to begin with this resolution. At least I have a year to get it together...right? :)
3) Be a healthier me
- I tried to word that so it wasn't so cliche. I am trying clean eating again. I just feel much better when I eat clean!
Anyone have a resolution they would like to share? We'd love to hear them!
We hope everyone has a wonderful start to 2016! God bless!
Friday, December 18, 2015
Five For Friday - Christmas Break Edition
What an amazing week - celebrating Christmas with our terrific third graders at school!
So our staff started the tradition of "12 Days of Eating". This was completely new to our staff, but you maybe familiar with it. Groups of people (usually by grade level) are assigned a day to bring in snacks for the entire school's staff. At first, we thought it would be overwhelming, but oh my goodness it was SO nice not to worry about breakfast those days! (Even if the snacks weren't the healthiest....or breakfast foods for that matter - haha!) It's certainly something to try in any work situation! One of our assignments was the day of our staff holiday Christmas party (after school event). So I decided to take Buffalo Chicken Rollups . I found this amazingly simple recipe on Pinterest ( of course! ). Anyone else have a go-to EASY recipe you use for the holidays?
Polar Express Week!
Oh how my kids NEVER get sick of hearing The Polar Express. We dedicated the entire week to activities based off the read aloud story, and we even decorated our grade level Christmas tree in a Polar Express theme! (Thank goodness for crafty grade level colleagues! - i.e not us!) We had our pajama party on Thursday to close our thematic unit. The kids LOVED having hot chocolate and Little Debbie Christmas Cakes as a treat!
Student Gifts:
Oh, how we love Scholastic Points! Always...ALWAYS...ALLLLLLWAAAAYYYS send out a book order in Oct/Nov. This will build your points bank up to get some freebies for student gifts! Our kiddos have always loved receiving books for Christmas! We try to go for holiday themed books, but it doesn't always have to be holiday related - you could even go for the "popular" series (I'm sure whatever grade you teach...your students will tell you what's "cool" to them...because I certainly don't feel like I know 1/2 of what's cool right now haha!) This year I went for Deck the Halls, We're Off The Walls!
Elf On the Shelf: We said goodbye to our beloved elf, Buddy. Unfortunately, I was too excited about Christmas break to document his antics this month! He TPed our entire room and left a lovely note about how good we were! He said he would let Santa know how well behaved our class was!
We enjoyed an hour long concert from fellow students this morning, then watched old fashioned movies like Rudolph and Frosty Returns.
We enjoyed an hour long concert from fellow students this morning, then watched old fashioned movies like Rudolph and Frosty Returns.
Did anyone else feel this way?? Especially today?!
We are so excited to have a two week break with our families! We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Christmas Break Week - & how we're makin' it!
We just wanted to write a quick post about how we decided to make it through this upcoming week:
1) Normal Scheduling
We decided to keep things as normal as possible leading up to the impending holiday break. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) we are still at the mercy of our pacing guide, so we still have to continue following it....benchmark testing starts after break!
We know this maybe hard, but we've decided to try to keep our daily routine as close to our normal routine as possible....kiddos like that sort of thing! :)
2) Lots and Lots of Math and LA stations
We don't know about your students, but ours LOVE stations. We teach third grade, so they really like being independent! They also like coming to us as one of the stations. Luckily, there are a TON of stations (and FREEBIES) on TPT for this time of year. We are currently in the middle of our huge multiplication/division unit, so we created a FREEBIE just for our guided math groups!
Click *HERE* to download your FREE copy!
Click *HERE* to download your FREE copy!
We are using this in our guided math this week! It walks the students right through each step of solving word problems!
3) Fun and Patience
We always say we are just as excited as our kiddos are for breaks....but try to remember that they really are SO excited! Behavior will 100% be 'off' this week, and as much as you want to STAY on schedule (as previously mentioned...) it's okay if things are picture perfect!
We are doing a Polar Express day on Thursday as a grade level activity. The students will enjoy Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes, Hot Chocolate, PJs, stuffed animals, and of course the classic movie! Try doing a thematic unit this week to keep your sanity/organization. It also helps students stay more focused on what they're doing if it's something they've been working on all week.
Good luck! Please share any activities or tips to get through the week before Christmas! Have a blessed week!
3) Fun and Patience
We always say we are just as excited as our kiddos are for breaks....but try to remember that they really are SO excited! Behavior will 100% be 'off' this week, and as much as you want to STAY on schedule (as previously mentioned...) it's okay if things are picture perfect!
We are doing a Polar Express day on Thursday as a grade level activity. The students will enjoy Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes, Hot Chocolate, PJs, stuffed animals, and of course the classic movie! Try doing a thematic unit this week to keep your sanity/organization. It also helps students stay more focused on what they're doing if it's something they've been working on all week.
Good luck! Please share any activities or tips to get through the week before Christmas! Have a blessed week!
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Tips for being successful on TpT
Tips for being successful on TpT
We have been debating on what our next blog post would be. We thought we would share some tips to help any newbies on TpT, OR anyone that is thinking about opening a store. There's a lot of great blog posts out there, so feel free to add a link in the comments! We are in NO WAY experts. We don't have a huge following, and actually only have one follower on Blog Lovin'. (whoop! :) ) We really just wanted to give an extra resource to anyone out there doing research on TpT.
We will give a little background knowledge to us and our beginnings on TpT:
We have been so blessed to have opened our TpT Store about a year 1/2 ago. We initially just wanted to try it out and see if we had any success with it. We really weren't interested in making it an actual business/supplemental income for us. As two full-time 3rd grade teachers, we really didn't think we would have time for it. We decided to not become a "Premium Seller", because we thought the $59.95 a year was SO expensive....especially if we weren't making any money ("You gotta make money to spend money!"....right?!). We uploaded a few assessments we had already made for our own classrooms, and made maybe $2-$5 a month. (You would think THAT amount would be embarrassing, but were ecstatic to actually have people BUY <---- [What?! That's amazing] our products!). As we continued to add more and more products we started to have a solid (but small) group of followers. We had our biggest payout in May of $111 (:) we's not a million dollars, but we are still excited about that payout!)
Fast forward to this past summer....
Since we were out of school (yay!) we had more time to research TpT as a business (wait...we're teachers....not business people....). We saw all kinds of posts about the TpT Conference in Vegas, and we were sort of interested in what was going on. After researching, we learned that teachers were actually making a good income JUST from TpT! This is when we decided to make our TpT a 'side business' and invest a little more time and effort into it (a little is an understatement). We knew that we had something going, since we had that 'massive' (ha!) payout in the spring, so we thought we could push a little bit more.
Here are 2 Teachers 1 Goal's Tips for starting a store on TpT:
**not in any particular order**
Seriously....just buy it....from the beginning! We regret not starting out as premium sellers. If you are fully invested in making TpT part of your life (it will be part of YOU)...then for the sake of your sanity purchase the premium seller account. Right after we decided to purchase that account, we earned back our money PLUS some. Honestly, this is a big one for us. Don't learn the hard was painful to do the math (yeah...don't do this...) and see what $$ we missed out on!
This is a big one. We literally had no idea there were so many possibilities with TpT! Get on the tpt forum and read through some threads, as some questions, and CONNECT with other TpTers (people that are experts...and make some major $$). If you just google "how to be successful on TpT" there's tons of great resources...even on Pinterest there's some great links!
We are still getting used to all the social media outlets for TpT. This is a great way to connect with other TpTers from around the world. We are currently using Facebook and Instagram as our main social media. Clearly, we are still newbies at this whole blogging thing, but we suggest starting a blog! It's just fun! :) There are some great Facebook groups that have some amazing tips for TpT (even how to create products - or troubleshooting programs!)
Whoa....did we learn the hard way with using Word to create products. It's STILL painful when we have to open those old docs to edit them....ugh! Seriously, PowerPoint is the easiest program to work with when you're putting a lot of graphics and text boxes. Just take our word on this one...PLEASE do not use word!
Again, this is a business...and if you're full invested (or want to be fully invested) then it will take time.We are still waiting to 'take off'. We feel like the "little fish" in the big pond of TpT. We see all of these awesome "Vegas-goers", and how they are basically celebrities! We are hoping we can be as successful as those TpT sellers that we look up to (during your research we are sure you will come across some of these "BIG fish"). It sounds like we only care about the $$....hey it's a BUSINESS. How many businesses open up voluntarily? We want TpT to be a supplemental income, that's our goal. Please understand, though, we love helping people and connecting with others.
Yeah....we know we've already mentioned this's worth repeating! :)
I know we are ending on a weird number. Like we mentioned earlier....we aren't experts and we are still learning. PLEASE share any tips in the comments. We are still researching ourselves, and would LOVE to hear from you!
As an appreciation to you reading our blog post, we are doing a giveaway of $5 to our store! Enter below before Wednesday 10/28 to win $5 to our TpT Store.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Sunday Scoop #2
We are linking up with Teaching Trio for our Sunday Scoop today!
Here's what we are up to this week! (from Samantha)
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for some giveaways! (Including some Jamberry Nail Shields!)
Have a blessed week!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Teaching Place Value
Now that we are in a normal routine at school, I wanted to write about the activities that we used to teach place value to our 3rd graders.
1) Math Expressions (VA Edition) "Secret Code Cards" :
Has anyone used these? I was skeptical at first, (mostly the cutting/punching out of cards) but now I love using them! The students seem to really understand values of the digits and expanded form, because of these cards!
2) Good 'ol fashioned Base-10 Blocks and white boards:
Who knew third graders (and probably most students) loved using these little blue blocks? My kiddos definitely loved using them! They understood what each one meant, and were able to quickly "build" the number I gave them! They even understood the "tricky" ones with zeros!
Oh, how my 3rd graders LOVE task cards! Especially, these colorful ones! Click the title of this section to find them in our TpT store! The differentiated student recording sheets were very helpful!
After "building" numbers with the secret code cards and base-10 blocks, the students moved on to playing place value games! The students' favorite was "CHOMP!" (similiar to POP! games) The students pull the cards out and answer them. The questions are a mixture of value of underlined digits and place of underlined digits. This is a particularly difficult concept for our 3rd graders, simply because of the similar wording of the two questions. If the students pull out a CHOMP! card, they have to put all their cards back in the container. They absolutely LOVED playing this!
The students also had fun playing Place Value Memory. The students can only match the cards if they have the card with the underlined digit and the card with the VALUE of the underlined digit. The students actually really enjoyed playing this one as well! (Anything is better than worksheets, right?)
Click the title of the section to see these stations in our TpT store! (There's even a place value board game!)
Please share any activities you love using for place value! We are about to start on ordering numbers and rounding! With our new series, we've struggled with finding meaningful activities, so please share any wisdom you have!
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